Pronumele in limba engleza


Pronumele in limba englezaUn pronume este acel cuvant care este folosit in unele cazuri pentru a inlocui un substantiv. De exemplu poti spune, “Janet is a nice girl”.

Dupa aceea, poti inlocui substantivul “Janet” cu “she” – ea, obtinand urmatoarea propozitie: “She is a nice girl” – Ea este o fata frumoasa, unde “She” este un pronume. Daca esti interesat de cursuri engleza, intra pe

Exemple: he, i, them, mine, us, we, itself.

Exemple de propozitii: He doesn’t want to go with me. Would they catch us? His house is far bigger than ours. Who is she?

Cuvantul “pronoun” (pronume) vine din “pro” (in intelesul unui substitut) + “noun” – substantiv.

Pronumele personale. Aceste pronume reprezinta oamenii sau lucrurile. Pronumele personale sunt you, i ,she, he, we, they, him, me, her, them, us.

Pronumele demonstrative.

“Demonstrative” inseamna a arata, a aduce claritate asupra unui anumit lucru. Pronumele demonstrative evidentiaza lucrurile : that, this, these, those.

Foloseste intotdeauna “this” si “these” pentru a vorbi despre lucruri care se afla in apropiere (in spatiu si in timp). Foloseste “that” si “those” pentru a descrie sau a vorbi despre lucrurile care sunt mai indepartate in spatiu sau in timp.

Exemple de propozitii: This one cannot go on. That was so beautiful! She wanted those, but decided to make a compromise on these.

Pronumele interogative.

“Interogative” inseamna “folosit in intrebari”. Pronumele interogative asadar, sunt folosite pentru a pune intrebari. Acestea sunt : whom, who, wich, what, whatever, whoever, etc.

Foloseste intotdeauna “who” si “whom” pentru a vorbi despre persoane, despre oameni si foloseste “wich” si “what” pentru a intreba despre lucruri sau animale. Exemple de propozitii: Who is your mather? Whom did u speak to? What are your choices? Wich car did u buy? , etc.

Pronumele posesive.

“Possesive” inseamna “evidenta ownership-ului, a proprietatii”. Pronumele posesive indica ceva care apartine cuiva. Acestea sunt, dupa cum urmeaza: my, his, your, its, her, our, their, mine, hers, his, theirs, ours. Exemple de propozitii in care se foloseste un pronume posesiv: I’ve lost my money. He married his girlfriend. The place is ours. Is that cat yours? My car is fast. Hers is much faster than mine, etc.

Pronumele relative.

“Relative” inseamna conectat cu ceva, cu un anumit lucru. Pronumele relative sunt acele pronume care pun in contact diferite parti ale propozitiei sau ale frazei. Acestea sunt: whom, who, wich, that, whatever, whoever, etc.

Exemple de propozitii in care se foloseste pronumele relativ: The girl who called yesterday, came this morning to see you. The teacher whom you wrote that letter, has answered finally. She lives in London, wich is the capital of the United Kingdom. I really liked that book that you gave me, etc.

Pronumele reflexive.

“Reflexive” inseamna intoarcerea la sine. Pronumele reflexive arata ca actiunea afecteaza persoana care o initiaza. Aceste pronume se termina in sufixul “-self” (singular) sau “-selves” (la plural) si sunt dupa cum urmeaza: himself, herself, myself, itself, ourselves, themselves.

Exemple de propozitii: I sent myself to bath. He cut himself while shaving this morning. She could hurt herself with that tool! We must help ourselves, etc.

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